Legal or tax issues ??
Berlin House & Service is no legal nor tax firm. But we do recommend you some contacts to specialists for your investments in Berlin and Germany.
Beware of the revenue office
Investors in real estates in Germany should be aware of the relevant tax regulations referring real estate acquisitions:
The German "Grunderwerbsteuer" = "conveyance duty", "tax on acquisition of real estate", "property transfer tax" or "land purchase tax" is calculated on the base of the purchase price and in 2007 3,5% in Berlin. The "purchase price" is added by the costs of the construction or building, when the investor or buyer intends to build a house in close relation to the purchase.
Law & Tax Firms Berlin
Trempel & Associates, Berlin Office: company formation, accounting, real estate law, tax law, real estate, property management
Trempel & Associates, a German civil law partnership, is a law firm specialized in civil, fiscal and business law; the firm has a strong tradition of broad international connections and offices in Germany, Italy and Greece. It came into being as the result of a merger between some of the partners of the law firms Hinterhäuser & Partner, Dr. Rouka, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Müller and Regel & Trempel, and today we and our staff, which numbers over 20 in Berlin alone, provide services for small and medium-sized businesses in the manufacturing industry and other sectors. Our work covers all fields which are today relevant to responding to the needs of industrial companies and managing directors as well as private individuals. Our particular interest and the practical aspects of our work concern the challenges facing business communities on account of globalization of markets and European integration.
Berlin House & Service offers a special search engine based on Google to assist you. Try out and find all relevant informations about the real estate market in Berlin.
Das Objekt des Monats
Offer of the month: Wir bieten Ihnen hier ausgewählte Kauf- und Mietobjekte unserer Kunden an.
Languages spoken
Berlin House & Service Ltd. provides you with a professional service in your mother language.
Our reference list covers some objects in Hamburg & Berlin.
Hausverwaltung - Administration - Administracion
Caretaking in Germany is special. Sometimes in China too. Berlin House & Service Ltd. looks for your property from the beginning to the end.
Charlottenburg ("old City West"), former British Sector, hosts "Kudamm", Sophie-Charlotte-Palace, "Kantstr." and Court of Registration
Kreuzberg-Friedrichshain, Berlins lebendige Mitte. The heart of the city.
Prenzlauer Berg
Wohnungen oder Wohnungssuche im Prenzlauer Berg ? Vielleicht können wir helfen.
Central district Schöneberg ("old City West-Berlin") hosts many cultural places of interest and scene places. Top location in Berlin, trendy
Old city of Spandau.
Property Management
Die Verwaltung von Grund- und Wohnungseigentum erstreckt sich auf die Verwaltung von Immobilien gleich welcher Art.
Dienstleistungen, Hilfestellungen, baubezogene Leistungen rund um das Grund- und Hauseigentum
Berlin House & Service bietet Ihnen hier einige hilfreiche Verbindungen zu Telefondienstleistern ...
Banking in Germany
The "Roman Limes" still separates the continent. So different is banking service in Germany. Compared to international standards German banks are small, very special and sometimes helpful.
Apartment in Berlin ?
You are looking for an apartment in Berlin or any other place in Germany ? Call or contact us.
Leasing & Vermietungsservice.
Sales Service
Verkaufsberatung und Unterstützung bei der Verwertung von Grundbesitz einschließlich der fachlichen Begutachtung von Chancen, Risken und Möglichkeiten der Immobilienbewertung